Partnering with utility companies and agencies to help reduce
Customer Service stress and Customer frustration over unexpected high water bills.
Water Conservation Instant Rebate Programs
LeakAlertor 6000
For Residential/Small Businesses
(Instant Rebate at purchase)
No cost to the Utility
All fulfillment and support is handled by H2O Connected
H2O Connected provides a unique coupon code for the Utility's customers
Coupon is valid for $5.00 off every LeakAlertor 6000 purchased through the website (not valid on Amazon orders)
Quarterly fulfillment report sent to the Utility
Included as part of the Utility's rebate offerings
Utility has the option to add additional funds to the offer
LeakAlertor Wireless PRO
For Multi-Family, Hospitality, etc.
(Instant Rebate against equipment cost)
No cost to the Utility
$5.00 instant rebate on every Node purchased by customer (Minimum 50 Piece Order)
Quarterly fulfillment report sent to the Utility
Included as part of the Utility's rebate offerings
Utility has the option to add additional funds to the offer
The Spiral
Don't let frustration with an unexpected high water bill spiral out of control.

The Solution
Everyone wants an easy, quick solution to avoid the downward spiral of increasingly frustrating calls.
When a customer calls about an unexpected high water bill, customer service can offer the LeakAlertor 6000 as the quick actionable solution to your customers' problem.
Your customers will use the LeakAlertor 6000 to know when they have a water wasting problem, before their next high water bill.
LeakAlertor 6000
Installs in seconds – no tools required!
Fully automatic – no setup necessary!
Works on tank-based toilets!
Visual & audible alert systems
Replaceable battery
Conserves water & saves money
Detects and Alerts for:
Running Toilets- the #1 water waster
Leaking Flappers
Faulty Fill Valves
Fill Valve Equilibrium
LeakAlertor 6000
Fulfillment Submission Form
Please use this page to order a complimentary LeakAlertor 6000
for customers calling about a high water bill for which you can not identify a cause.
Customer Service Fulfillment Options
Option #1: Utility Self-Fulfillment
Agency purchases LeakAlertor 6000
All fulfillment and administration handled by the Agency
Inventory stored at the Agency's Location
This option carries the lowest purchase price for the LeakAlertor 6000
Option #2: H2O Connected Fulfillment
All fulfillment and administration handled by H20 Connected
Utility's Customer Service uses a dedicated web page to request fulfillment (see below)
No inventory to warehouse
No shipping or handling expenses for the Utility
Pre-formatted talking points for Customer Service to address simple questions
Pre-purchase a fixed quantity (discounts for higher volumes)āā