Did you know running toilets are the #1 water waster in the home?
They can create:
With utility companies charging for water flowing into the home and waste water flowing out, you get charged twice for every running toilet, or leak. Some providers even tier their pricing, so the more water used in a month means a higher charge for each gallon used. This can skyrocket your bill tens, even hundreds of dollars in a single month.
You may not get the answers you want when calling customer service, you may even feel like you’ve lost control over your water bill. After all, how do you fix a problem if you don’t even know it’s happening? With a running toilet and toilet leak detection sensor.
Why do I need the LeakAlertor?
What our customers say about the LeakAlertor 6000
"Awesome product. Detects when toilet tank does not fill due to a misplaced flapper. If water keeps running screams it's head off to warn you."
Dr. R. - Amazon Review
"An extraordinarily sophisticated solution providing a valuable ability to detect expensive water leaks in a simple to use and inexpensive device. An inaudible leak in a failing refill valve was detected within minutes after installation saving me the cost of the device in the first month. They are installed on all my toilets now."
Robert P. - Amazon Review
"A must for every house toilet... I Purchased many of these, they work so well. Instantly telling you if the trap was left open or another issue has occurred. The sound of the beeping is loud enough to be heard 30 feet or more from the toilet through walls and doors."
J. Stutzman- Amazon Review
Installation so easy, you're less than a minute away from 24/7 monitoring.

Installing the LeakAlertor 6000
Installing the LeakAlertor 6000