LeakAlertor Wireless PRO
Revolutionizing Water Management.
Save Every Drop. Save Every Dollar.
The EPA says 20% of toilets in the U.S. are leaking,
and waste an average of 50 gallons a day.
Our 6+ million data sets tell us
this is only a small part of the problem.
The EPA reference is only for leaking flappers and doesn’t include faulty fill valves which can leak or fail entirely. Both leaking flappers and faulty fill valves can waste up to 250 gallons every day. The EPA also does not include running toilets, yet another little understood water wasting problem. Running toilets can waste up to 7,000 gallons per day, and most running toilets are repeat offenders.
In multi-family settings most residents don’t understand, or know how to detect, these problems or won't contact management even if they are aware of the problem. In hospitality, guests may not wish to report a problem, unless they are disturbed by the noise of a leaking or running toilet. In either case, the answers have usually been; to spend maintenance and financial resources tracking down individual problems, replacing flappers and other parts annually in an effort to reduce water waste, or simply paying the increased water and sewer bills.
The LeakAlertor Wireless PRO can pinpoint exactly which toilets are the problem,
and how much these toilets are costing you.
We’ve developed a calculator to help you estimate the cost of the LeakAlertor Wireless PRO System, and how quickly you could reach a positive ROI. If your property has more than 1,000 toilets on-site, or you would like an estimate for more than a single property, please contact us for a personalized estimate.
What would your cost and time to positive ROI be?
Complete three inputs and see your results below.
1) Number of toilets at the property.
Enter a number from 50-1,000, but do not include flushometer or pressure-assisted toilets.
Contact us if you wish to see an estimate
for more than 1,000 toilets.
2) Your cost of water per 1,000 gallons.
Valid entries are from $5.00 to $45.00 per 1,000 gallons. Include the cost for water and sewer combined.
State regions are based on the top 100 US census MSAs. Some states have one or fewer MSAs centered within their borders.
National Average and Regional water costs based on a 2018 survey conducted by H2O Connected and increased by the CPI from April 2018 to December 2023.
3) Rate the severity of your current issues.
"Medium" severity for Running Toilets and Leaks are based on three years of field use and over 3 million data sets from our customers.
Medium severity is set for 50% as our data suggests 40-70% of toilets use more than their rated GPF.
Your entries are indicative of an approximate System cost of $9,850 with a time to positive ROI of 9.7 to 11.2 months. Find out how to start saving water and money, and increasing your NOI, as early as Day #1.
Water agency rebates could reduce your equipment cost by as much as 25%.
The water costs above are averaged across US Census Metropolitan Statistical Areas, your water cost may be higher.
The property's layout, construction, and overall radio frequency environment will impact the specific equipment needed to outfit the property.
Want to know what water agency rebates you have available to reduce your cost?
Not sure what your water cost is and would like to know?
Have questions on how the LeakAlertor Wireless PRO can help you?
Would you like to see how other customers are reducing their water waste and increasing their bottom line with a demonstration of the Dashboard?
Want to see how you can reduce your water waste on DAY #1?
Contact Ernie Howard to discuss your needs and receive a quote.
(877) 532-5253 x 105